Wednesday, May 25, 2011

'Tourism '- As a foreign currency earner industry.

Tourism constitutes travel abroad from country to country. All the goods and services which are concerned with and facilitate travel relates to tourism industry. Tourist lodge, motel, hotel, restaurants, resort, travel agency, skying, gliding, white water rafting, bunzy jumping, canopying cable car, pony trecking, hot air ballooning, treaking, golf course, polo, handicrafts, etc are the tourism related professions of Nepal. The importance of tourism as a foreign exchange earner industry has been recognised first five year plan. Its importance is increasing day by day as a basis of economic development. Nepal earn over 36.3% of their total export earning of foreign currency from tourism. (Economic survey 2065/066, page 123). For Nepal, it is important not only as foreign currency earner industry but also as employment generation sector.

Tourism is a correct or unfavorable balance of payment position. Foreign exchange from tourism has proved helpful in reducing unfavourable balance of trade. Tourists are interested in buying handicrafts goods. Handicraft industries develop rapidly solving unemployment problem. As tourist come more, people get more opportunity for tourism related job. Government receives more income from tourism in the form of taxes, royalties; fees etc. Tourism industry facilitates cultural exchange. Tourists are known as cultural ambassador. Tourism promotes business because most of the tourists visit abroad for business purposes. Remote areas become accessible and develop because of the increasing transportation facilities. It also facilities to train and develop human resources. From these pictures, it is clear that tourism industry as an asset of Nepal.

Prospects of tourism

Prospects of tourism industry in Nepal are inmense because of its heart touching natural beauty. Biodiversity, snow capped mountains, rivers, waterfalls, lake etc. Nepal is also known as county of temples. It is the birth place of Gautam Buddha, the light of world. Nepal has special cultural heritage. Climate of Nepal is suitable for different type of tourists. Neither too hot not too cold. Nepalese people are very simple and hospitable. The cost of living and travel cost are very low as compared to other countries. One thing is clear, the potential of tourism in Nepal is underutilizes because of transportation difficulties, lack of recreational facilities, good quality hotels and tourist goods, tourism centers, pollution, insecurity etc. The main root cause of all these problems is poverty. 'Nepal tourism year 2011' is an attempt to change the direction of exiting trends of tourist industry. The willingness to complete successfully 'Nepal tourism year 2011' is a great effort to bear the responsibility for seeing tourists as potential source of foreign currency and employment opportunities are realized. 'Nepal tourism year 2011' aims to reach the number of tourist up to 10 lakh within this year

Government and private sector

Government and private sector play important role for tourism development. This sector is an easy resource for economic development and ready made solution to balance of payments difficulties. Growth of modern life style expands the prospects of tourisms industry. The features of modern life style like paid vacation, week-end, holiday, charter flight etc well tend to promote tourism industry.

Countries can be classified into four groups on the basics of tourism prospects. They are as follows:-

The country where tourism is highly advanced and for them the challenge is how to make continue to sustain that advancement.
The country where tourism already exists and proper management and handling is necessary.
The country where tourism is only limited possibility of advance.
The country where tourism is limited because of the reason of nature like geographically remote, unpleasant climate, lack of basic facilities which tourist requires.

Nepal lies on the group of the country where tourism already exists and proper management and handling is necessary. Government must play direct as well as indirect role for its advancement. Such role can activate private sector to come into function for the promotion of tourism. Such role of government and private sectors generates employment opportunities to the Nepalese youths and also help to correct the unfavourable balance of payment position of the country. This role may substitute the export of young generation as man power to abroad.

Market research programme

Successful implement and completion of 'Nepal Tourism year 2011', basic market research is necessary. Which seems to be still far from programme? Each and every village, town, they are making home stay facilities for them. The risk may arise how to overcome their investment. Their estimates of demand and receipts by this sector are either based on basic market research or not, are matters of great question. Without this framework, if different tourist programme is prepared, there will only be waste of resources, time and effort and only results frustrations.

The government, welfare seeker and non profit oriented must do well on the basis of market study of demand to give priority to those areas where tourists' attractions are more and where infrastructure already exists. Latter on, private sector will prepare and use various tourist programmes. One year programme is too short to build up infrastructure. Infrastructure, facilities must be building up soon as far as possible to new tourism prospects area. Tourism infrastructure build up requires heavy investment. Responsibility of build up of such facilities lies on government because of the low level of income of remote area's people of Nepal. Another aspect of responsibility of government is infrastructures build up do not earn profit immediately. Private sector spends only on those areas, where profit can be immediately earned.

Demand and supply solution

By assessing the demand and supply of its actual and potential of attraction and facilities, it can manage becoming less of a problem. Needs also close co-operation between tourist exporting countries and importing countries (Nepal). The gap between the demand and supply can be cover by negotiation on group arrangement between these two sides.

Tourism assets

Preserve and protect and archeological sectors, preserve and protect natural resources, preserve and protect sports, arts, culture, festivals etc are the tourism assets. Since, tourism protects and preserves above mention areas, development of tourism will become an assets of the country. To earn income form these assets, it is appropriate to make world wide publicity to promote tourism industry of Nepal. Tourism industry as an assets of the country not only generate revenue but also creates employment opportunity, corrects balance of payment position and preserves and protect historical, archeological, natural, cultural resources. These all aspects strengthen the economy of the country. Nepal have so many tourism assets so tourism industry is the assets of Nepalese economy.

Impact in promoting tourism

Airlines, travel agencies, hotel, resorts, real estate companies, advertising for traditional products, handicraft industries have much greater impact in promoting tourism. Government requires a contribution of good will by levies and subsidies eg. Tax free coupons, on historical and archaeological site. They do feel they are not being exploited. Clearly, there is positive correlation between the government good will and tourism development.

The foreign relation aspect of tourism grows as the growth of tourism industry. It increases investment in and promotion of tourist facilities with joint venture. Joint venture investment is more suitable for Nepal because of its twin advantages: one is inflow of foreign capital and technical know how and technology, another is human resource development.

Negative demand

Tourism industry has plus element in the country's economy. But it contains some minus elements also. They are as follows:
Foreign currency costs of increasing import of materials equipments to build and run Hotels, Restaurants etc,

Foreign currency costs of running tourism programme for promotion and advertising,

Foreign currency costs of increasing imports of consumption for foreign tourist like, food, beverages, fuel etc.

Social cost of increasing consumption of drugs, alcohol etc and diminishing social cultural values and health hazards.

These negative demands can be manage by deliberate planning and effort of implementation.

Mountain Climbing

The 800 km stretch of the Nepal Himalayan is the greatest in the world with eight peaks that rise above 8,000m including the highest in the world, Mt. Everest. Ever since the country opened its peaks to climbers in 1994, the Nepal Himalayan has become a great theatre of mountaineering activity and the drama of success and failure have provided impetus to thousands of men and women to meet the ultimate challenge. The Nepal Himalayan has been an attraction to many people, be they saints, philosophers, researchers or adventures.


The best way to experience Nepal's unbeatable combination of natural beauty and culture riches is to walk through them. One can walk along the beaten trails or virgin tracks. Either way you are in for an experience for a lifetime. Along with forests of rhododendron, isolated hamlets, and small mountain villages, birds, animals, temple, monasteries and breathtaking landscapes, you will also encounter friendly people of different cultures offering a fascinating glimpse of traditional rural life.

Bird Watching

Nepal is a paradise for bird lovers with over 646 species (almost 8% of the world total) of birds, and among them almost 500 hundred species are found in Kathmandu Valley alone. The most popular bird watching spots in Kathmandu are Phulchoki, Godavari, Nagarjun, Bagmati river, Taudaha and so on. Get your binoculars and look forward to a rewarding experience.

Mountain Flight

Only awe-stricken silence can come close to matching the experience of going on a mountain flight to encounter the tallest mountains on earth. Mountain flights offer the closest possible aerial views of Mt. Everest, Kanchenjunga and the Tibetan Plateau. Mountain flights appeal to all category of travellers and have become a popular tourist attraction of Nepal. For those who are restricted by time or other considerations from going for a trek, these flights offer a panoramic view of the Himalayan in just one hour.

Rock Climbing

For all those cliffhangers out there, Kathmandu offers a roster of stone walls that make for an experience of a lifetime. Now of late, Rock climbing has become a popular sport in Kathmandu, which offers some really terrific places for rock climbing. Nagarjun, Balaju, Shivapuri and Budhanil Kantha are some of the places where you can try this sport.


Rafting is one of the best ways to explore the typical cross section of natural as well as ethno-cultural heritage of the country. There are numerous rivers in Nepal which offer excellent rafting or canoeing experience. You can glide on calm jade waters with munificent scenery all about or rush through roaring white rapids, in the care of expert river-men employed by government authorized agencies. One can opt for day of river running or more. So far, the government has opened sections of 10 rivers for commercial rafting. The Trisuli River (Grade 3+) is one of the most popular of Nepal's raftable rivers. The Kali Gandarki (5-5+) winds through remote canyons and deep gorges for five days of intense rapids. The Bhote Koshi (4-5) is 26km of continuous white water and the raging Marshyanghi is four days of uninterrupted white water. The Karnali river (4-5) provides some of the most challenging rapids in the world. The Sum Koshi (4-5), 27km, requiring 8-10 days to complete, is a big and challenging river. Adventurers are provided with world-class services by rafting agents. Agencies here provide life jackets, camping and the standard rafting paraphernalia needed by world-class rafting. An extremely popular sport in Europe, cannoning is now available in Nepal. Cannoning gives you the freedom to explore some of the most ruggedly beautiful, yet forbidden places in the world.

Hot Air Ballooning

Hot air ballooning is very popular with tourists for it affords the most spectacular bird's-eye view of the Kathmandu valley and the Himalayan ranges towering in the background. On a clear day it's a superb way to view the Himalayan (from over 6000m up), and the view of the valley is equally breathtaking.

Bungy Juming

The ultimate thrill of a bungy jump can now be experienced in Nepal at one of the best sites that this sport can boast of anywhere in the world. Nepal's first bungy jumping site is situated 160m. Over the Bhote Koshi River, inviting you to experience the ultimate adrenaline rush in the surroundings of this amazing place. The jump, at 160m, is staffed and operated by some of the most experienced jumpmasters in the business.


Paragliding in Nepal can be a truly wonderful and fulfilling experience for the adventure seeking. A trip will take you over some of the best scenery on earth, as your share airspace with Himalayan griffin's vultures, eagles, kites and float over villages, monasteries, temples, lakes and jungle, with a fantastic view of the majestic Himalayas.

Ultralight Aircraft

Ultralight aircraft take off from Pokhara and offer spectacular views of the lakes, mountains and villages. This is an ideal way to see life from a new perspective. The choice of Pokhara Valley for ultra-light aircraft is appropriate chiefly because of the proximity of the mountains, and the scenic lakes. For those who wished they could fly birds when growing up, this flight is a must. It might be lonely at the top, but this flight is a must. It might be lonely at the top, but the spectacular view from up high certainly makes it all worth it. Flights are from the Pokhara airport beginning September through June. The flights take place form sunrise to 11 a.m. and from 3 p.m. to sunset every day during these months.

Mountain Biking

The best way to explore the Kathmandu Valley is on a mountain bike. Nepal's diverse terrain is a mountain bike's dream adventure come true. Mountain biking offers an environmentally sound way of exploring this magnificent country, its landscape and living heritage. There are plenty of dirty roads and trails in Nepal to meet every mountain biker's wildest fantasy. Mountain biking is specially recommended if you wish to explore urban centers of Nepal such as Pokhara and Kathmandu as well as the countryside. Adventurous souls may plan extended trips to such exotic locals as Namche Bazaar, and western Nepal. You could even do the entire length of Nepal across the plains. Mountain bikes are available for rent by the day or longer in many of the bicycle rental outlets in Nepal and around the city.

Jungle Safari

National Parks located specially in the Terai region in Nepal attract visitors from all over the world. A visit to these parks involves game-stalking by a variety of means-food, dugout canoe, jeep, and elephant back. One is bound to sight a one – horned rhino or two at every elephant safari. Besides the rhinos, wild boars, samburs, spotted deer, sloth bear, and four – horned antelope are also usually seen. A Royal Bengal tiger may surprise you by his majestic appearance

Tourism picture

The total tourism earnings of Nepal were Rs.2796 crore in 2066 B.S against the estimated generation of 4146 crore. In 2065 B.S., total tourism earnings were Rs.1865 crore. (Ministry of tourism and civil aviation). Due to the political instability and insecurity, earning from this sector has not been remarkably increased.

Western Europe is the chief source of tourist earnings for Nepal.

The length of the stay day of tourists in Nepal is around 11.6 days in 2066 B.S which is less as compared to 11.8 days in 2065 B.S

Tourists visit only one or two area that is Kathmandu or Pokhara.

Most of the tourists come to Nepal for the purpose of entertainment and tracking. In 2066 B.S: 34 % for entertainment, 21 % for tracking and maintaining. (Tourism board)

They spend Rs.2835.59 per day in 2066 B.S. as against the target is 4906.44.

Contribution of tourism in G.D.P is 2% as against the target 3% in 2066 B.S.

90 thousand of people got an employment opportunity in 2066 B.S as against the target 100 thousand people. (Ministry of tourism and aviation)

After 1950, foreign tourists have started to visit in Nepal. Before that only Indian tourist have visited.

'Nepal Tourism year 2011' targeted to reach the number of tourists up to 10 lakh within this year. Out of which the programme aims 40% of tourist will visit rural area and for its successful implement home-stay programme is widely encouraged by private and government sector.

Conclusions and recommendation.

Tourism sector is one of the leading growth industries of Nepal. Employment problem is rampant, population is increasing and limited source of foreign exchange, tourism offers opportunities to manage obvious aspects. Nepal has unique natural beauty to attract tourists. It can be maintain as it is by using it over and over without depletion by the means of sight seeing. The effect of the boom in tourism has been a dramatic increase in economic incentive for both government and private sectors and socio cultural incentive to preserve and revive the traditional local culture.

The share of world tourism captured by the developed nations is increasing. Majority of world tourist receipts go to the developed nations and only less percentage to the developing nations. Can we change this trend? Can Nepal to hope to attract larger number of tourists and tourist receipts in near future?

The response may be yes! For which she has to do, improve, change a lot of things. Among these, there are some major areas, which seem to be outstanding improvement is necessary.

Political stability and security is the most for tourism industry.

Improvement in health sector, in which they are fear of sickness. The common sickness is tourist diarrhoeas.
Improvement in field of facilities like modern accommodation, hotels, lodges, and other necessary facilities. It may be a matter of controversy because of the limited capital whether such facilities, sophisticated and luxury hotels for tourist should given higher priority or to give on building roads, factories, hydroelectricity, public utilities, goods and service so on.

Improvement is needed in information sector. Inadequate resources for advertising and publicity stands as a barrier which limits tourism.

Improvement is necessary on the supply of trained (qualitative and quantities) tourism technicians. They are needed for effective formulation and execution of tourism plan. Educational institution is also needed to provide training and formulate manpower in this field. Travel and tourism subject are introduced in the course of +2 schools is the plus point in this aspect. Now days there are separate educational institutions which provide higher education for specialisation in this field.

Home stay programme is facing problem of tourism management. Management of home-stay programme is undertaking by elder persons because of the increasing outflow of youths to foreign country. Steps should be taken by government to stop outflow of youths to foreign country.

Tourism industry's role is very important in the development process. The infrastructure difficulties may act as disincentive for this. Government should make the policy to inflow private foreign capital for investment with Joint venture. Once this is done, it will generate other low capital investment employment opportunities like cycle hiring, taxi driver, maintenance worker, restaurants, bar laundries, retail shop, travel agencies, hair dresser, handicrafts etc.

Tourism must be developing year round industry not seasonal. Higher income group, medium income group, lower income group tourists must be targeted for year round.
These industries have only not sunny days but some cloudy days also. If people are aware from their own mind, theses can be overcome. There is a need to establish a good relationship between the tourism and its natural environment.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Mobile use

Mobile phone, cell phone in another stander form, is the means of communication. it makes human life very easy to connect with their friends and their work. it is certainly a mobile we can bring anywhere we go like our daily tooth brush and shaving machine. today's mobile is equipped with many more multimedia and communication features ie. Bluetooth, internet, and multimedia features. it makes our life very much easy and funny. so from this side we can take it as a gift of the today's science and communication. but it brings some bad concepts and thinkings. like bluff calls, miss calls, and other such crimes and out of cultural bad influences. especially young generation youth are more attracted towards expensive mobile. which may brings some economical crisis to their family. and they are always busy to their mobile with game, visiting websites, calling bluff calls, such vulgar scenes and  songs. they may leave bad print to the young generation people. so we have to aware about such bad aspects. we know that every invention brings good as well as bad aspects, we have to follow good aspects and minimize those bad aspects. it is the true utilization of the science and technology.  

Fashion influence

Fashion represents the development and invention in the current market. This shows the development pattern and the cultural status of the certain country. In narrow sense, fashion refers wearing clothes and eating variety of foods. But in the context of some country, it came as the enemy to develop the country, violet the cultural norms and diverts the youth mind toward spoiling. Especially developing countries are the main hunt of such fashion problems. Mainly the young generations are guided to the new fashion which directly adopted and spoils the cultural norms and values. Adopting fashion is not a bad matter, but adopting fashion without filtering is the bad effect to our social, country, and cultural norms and values. We have to follow certain fashion by adapting and modifying into the frame of our social, cultural and national context. 

Solution for global warming

These days main discussion is how to relief from global warming, this is the hottest issues for the popular medias and the developed country. Although it is the problem and suffer of all countries of the world. Now a day's even developing and non-developed countries are also advocating towards the solution for global warming. Here are some mini ideas which can little reduce the global warming. First we have to make compassion and awareness towards the disadvantages and effects of the global warming. And we can reforest to our unusual part of the land. Reduce the dependence of the nature. Reduce the dependency on petroleum materials. As a whole conserve the natural resources and limited use. Maximum use of solar. Promote the electronic vehicles and factory. 

Global warming

Global warming is title itself justifiable and concluded. The earth is getting hotter due to the unnecessary hit. First we have to know that, what is global warming? The earths is getting hot due to the unwanted sun hit and increase its temperature, it is very harmful to the each and every live plants and creature. The first causes of global warming are deforestation, trees and less in number and they are unable to flow the fresh air. Next is pollution, different kinds of pollution plays the vital roles to increase the temperature of the earth.  Another is firing rockets to the next planet which makes hole in the ozone layer and the ultraviolet rays are directly come to the earth and never reflect. The earth is surrounded by a polluted layer which restricts to reflect the hit and ultraviolet ray out of the earth. 

Natural resources

Natural resources are the gift of the nature. Which have very much vital role to develop the country. Natural resources are free to use to use. Especially they are coal, water, iron, Zink, copper, petroleum materials, silicon, cement and may more. Lots of countries improve their economical status and increase the employment opportunity. In the context of Nepal, there are many natural resources which are still unidentified and they are getting fossilized and unused. If we can properly identify them, it helps to reduce the problem of unemployment and decrease the rate poverty. It is also used to increase and improve the economical status of our country. 

IT and education

Information Technology IT in short, is the gift of 21st century. Every thing is possible through the use of computer. Computer is flexible device; we can modify the computer and its program. Likewise computer and information technology is also used in education field. Especially designing educational program, materials, charts, pictures, and may more. It is also used to keep educational records, which is used to prepare plans to educational development. We can take the help of internet for the authentic source and the materials, which is useful and updated with the current issues. It helps to carry our knowledge in our practical field. So may schools include computer education in their compulsory class.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Books are the reading materials. which are used to read. may people used to read book in past days. they are the collection of information priented on the paper and fasten together. books are the origin of the knowledge. we can find may kinds of books which are related to the different fields like science, history, medicals, a days people used to think that, books are replaced by the internet and other information techonology. but this is wrong concept. i think one proverb is suitable for here "no one can replce anyone" like wise there is not any person, thing or instrument thant can replace the exiestance of the book and its kingdom. so i would like to emphasis thant the book never old because the knowledge and its content determinds the oldness of the books. please read once time a single book that makes your mins wider than the explict use of the internet and other instruments.

new law and youth

law is the framework of the country. which is the main road to develop of the country. youth and country are attached matter, which shouldn't forget to develop. youth are the pillars of the country for this days. so the new law should create right place for the young generation. so new law should cover the problems, and solution of the new generation and the youth. now a days youth are driving wrong ways like social crime. the comming  law should address thouse misleading works to the comming generation and the youth of the nation. form the social and public prospectis, we have to obey to our duety and aware towards our rights. many politicians uses the youth to their political programm and incourage them to do such criminal activities, this is also a bad point to the current youths. this is the base time to do some thing to their life.  


pollution is that matter that hampers to our helth. or in other word pollution is such matter that hampers to our helth and other aspects. mainly we can calssify pollution in to four types . they are
  1. sound pollution: pollution caused by the greate and unwanted sounds, which causes hearing problem as well as our brain.
  2. air pollution: those pollution which is sprays in the air or atmosphare, which causes disease of our longs, especially cancer and other dangerous dises.
  3. water pollution: those pollution which is in the water or caused by pollutiong in the water which we used in our daily drinking and other activities.
  4. land pollution: those pollution invited by throwing raw matterials and harmful chamicals to the land, it is a long term pollution and it effects to the power of cropsing .